Source: Own image taken at CODA museum Apeldoorn |
Source: Own image taken at CODA museum Apeldoorn |
Source: Own image taken at CODA museum Apeldoorn |
Source: Own image taken at CODA museum Apeldoorn |
Source: Own image taken at CODA museum Apeldoorn |
Source: Own image taken at CODA museum Apeldoorn |
Source: Own image taken at CODA museum Apeldoorn |
The next Dutch artist I want to introduce to you is Carli Hermes. He is a well known photographer.
Carli Hermés studied photography at the Royal Academy for Visual Arts in The Hague and the Bournemouth school of Art in England. He achieved international fame with his advertising photography for brands like Martini, Philips, Niké, Suit Supply and KLM. He has also made photo reports for leading international fashion magazines and portrays celebrities. In addition to this, he develops visual campaigns for idealistic organisations such as Oxfam Novib.
His career got off to a flying start in 1992 with two television ads for Droste Cocoa. In these ads, he combines motherhood with eroticism and lets teenagers kiss. The seduction expressed in this work is intense and it will continue to play an important role in his later work. The Reclame Code Commissie ( a commission that supervises advertising in the Netherlands) eventually banned the ads from television. A few years later, he was called to account again in the connection with the controversial advertisement for Suit Supply.
Erotic, conteporary, alienationg and seductive have been the main characteristics of his work for 25 years. Whether commissioned or created on his own initiative, his images are always stimulating, exciting and styled in suprising ways. Water, fire, stylish interiors and desert landscapes from surreal settings in which dreams appear to come true. The desire to be able to fly, and thus defy gravity, is a recurring theme in Carli Hermés's images. With bold shapes, colours and human expressions he tells a story of and about people.
If you are intrigued by the story and want to see more work from Carli Hermes, klik on the link here! to go to his website.
x laura